Healing is a natural function of our Physical Body, much like Breathing and our pumping Heart. Our Heart and our Lungs continues to function continuously for as long as we are here in the Physical Body. From the time we are first born into this Physical World our heart is pumping our blood throughout our Body and continues until we leave this Physical World - when we sleep our Heart is still pumping the blood around our Body. This is also true with our Lungs and even when we are unconscious we continue to Breathe.
Healing works the same way, our Physical Body is continuously HEALING OUR BODY. Even when we see our self as being healthy our Body is still Healing itself - our body's cells are constantly dieing and needs to be replaced with new cells - this is our Healing system. Our Healing system is functioning even when we are asleep, or unconscious.
When I am seriously ill for some reason; I sleep a lot. The more rest and sleep I get the more my Body is able to focus on HEALING the issue. When I resist sleeping, and try to tough it out; the more I suffer.
We often interpret Healing as something outside of our self. We look towards Medical Professionals to "Heal Us", we look towards Healers to "Heal Us". In reality no one can 'Heal Us' we need to understand that we need to 'Heal our self'. Medical Professionals and Healers can only assist us in our own HEALING, we need to do the HEALING.
Crystal Spirit Medicine
Crystal Spirit Medicine works with the Mineral Kingdom. The Crystals & Stones are the Mineral Kingdom and have an energy as well as a spirit that can guide us on our Healing Journey. In order to have a fuller understanding of the Mineral Kingdom it is advised to read the pages on LIFE and the Mineral Kingdom. It is also recommended that one reads the Acknowledgement page.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
There is a need to understand a part of ourselves that is often denied or often seen as immaterial in our Physical Life. We need to come to the understanding that our Spiritual aspect is just as relevant to our Physical Life as our Physical Body is (some may say that our Spirituality is more significant).
Often 'Spirituality' is seen as 'Religious' and it is unfortunate as the two are not necessarily the same. Religion maybe a spiritual path that one has chosen to follow, however, Religion is only one of the many different Spiritual Paths one may choose. I myself do not classify myself as a Religious person, however, I am a Spiritual person and there is a difference. What is the difference?
Body, Soul & Spirit;
These are the components of our WHOLE-BEING (the mortal Body and the immortal Soul & Spirit). A Spiritual Path is how we unit these three components of our WHOLENESS. In the process of uniting these parts of our BEING, we start to have a deeper understanding of how we are all connected to each other and to our environment.
Religion can be a legitimate Spiritual Path when the individual follows their own interpretation of the Religious teachings, that the DOGMA is for their own support and guidance and not necessarily followed in a dictatorial manner. The individual understands that the Religion is their personal path, and may not be the only path.
This is the difference that I see with SPIRITUALITY and RELIGION and I define myself as a SPIRITUAL PERSON and not necessarily a RELIGIOUS PERSON.
Often 'Spirituality' is seen as 'Religious' and it is unfortunate as the two are not necessarily the same. Religion maybe a spiritual path that one has chosen to follow, however, Religion is only one of the many different Spiritual Paths one may choose. I myself do not classify myself as a Religious person, however, I am a Spiritual person and there is a difference. What is the difference?
Spirituality is the awareness that we are more than just this Physical Body and our Physical Life. That we are truly IMMORTAL BEINGS and we are having a MORTAL EXPERIENCE. As immortal beings we each have our personal and direct connection with the Creator, Great Spirit, God, Goddess or however we see the creative force. One's connection with the Creator is a very personal and often a private connection and finding this connection is one's spiritual path. It is the intimacy of our spiritual path that often makes talking about Spirituality difficult for some.Body, Soul & Spirit;
These are the components of our WHOLE-BEING (the mortal Body and the immortal Soul & Spirit). A Spiritual Path is how we unit these three components of our WHOLENESS. In the process of uniting these parts of our BEING, we start to have a deeper understanding of how we are all connected to each other and to our environment.
In a very general view Religion is an attempt at controlling the individual's Spiritual Growth. This is especially true with organized Religion that is often ruled by DOGMA and sees itself as the only TRUE PATH. Some go as far as to see other PATHS as being offensive to their own Religion and need to be forcibly opposed. It is this type of Religion that leads to Religious Wars, and is anything but SPIRITUAL.Religion can be a legitimate Spiritual Path when the individual follows their own interpretation of the Religious teachings, that the DOGMA is for their own support and guidance and not necessarily followed in a dictatorial manner. The individual understands that the Religion is their personal path, and may not be the only path.
This is the difference that I see with SPIRITUALITY and RELIGION and I define myself as a SPIRITUAL PERSON and not necessarily a RELIGIOUS PERSON.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Forms of Consciousness
Our Consciousness is so narrowly focused on ourselves that it is difficult for us to comprehend LIFE.
LIFE is much more than just Human Beings and our collective ignorance
and arrogance tries to make LIFE better and safer without fully grasping
what LIFE is. Ignorance and arrogance are both dangerous states but together they can be deadly. It is these two states that bring out our Greed, Fear and our desire for Power. It is in this state of our narrowly focused Consciousness that we have polluted our environment, destroyed our forests and even murder each other. LIFE is not dangerous to us, we are a danger to ourselves.
In some spiritual paths we search for Love, Abundance and a state of
Bliss. We look for an escape of what is right in front of us. Some say
that LOVE is the ultimate state or power, I say LIFE is the ultimate
power and is eternal. LOVE, FEAR, BLISS, AGONY and everything in between
is only possible because of LIFE.
The year is 2012 and there is much talk about raising our Consciousness to the next level. I am always questioning what this actually means. It sounds nice and it sounds like we know what we are talking about, but do we? When we try to explain the idea of raising our Consciousness we hear about other dimensions, about bringing our Consciousness into the "Light" and about becoming "Enlightened".
2012 is going to be a year that alters our Consciousness to be sure. Raising our Consciousness may not be accurate, I prefer to describe it as Broadening our Consciousness. In raising our Consciousness signifies that we are coming from a inferior Consciousness to a superior Consciousness and I do not think this is true. In order to rate different forms of Consciousness as inferior or superior we need to have a more complete understanding of all the different forms of Consciousness.
Our Physical Universe has a Consciousness or Awareness that is constantly expanding. The countless Galaxies have a Consciousness, the solar-systems have a Consciousness, the planets and stars have a Consciousness (including Mother Earth), Humans, Animals, Plants and even the Minerals have a form of Consciousness. There are many times many FORMS of Consciousness.
When we start to broaden our Awareness we start to see our self as an intricate part of LIFE, not separate from it. LIFE is not dangerous, it is an adventure. LIFE needs to be respected and will not be controlled. When we fully understand LIFE and our part within LIFE we can truly be at PEACE and we start to understand that we are never truly alone.
What I mean by respecting LIFE is that we need to learn our part to play. It does not mean that we are subservient to it but a intricate part of LIFE and we need to learn our part. It is our ignorance and arrogance that we think we can control LIFE and we are superior to the Animals, Plants, Air and Water that gets us into trouble. The WHOLENESS OF LIFE has a accumulated Consciousness associated with it that I refer to as the CREATOR. Each minute part of LIFE also has a form of Consciousness - the Air, Water, Animals, Plants and even the Crystals & Stones.
This book 'Radical Acceptance' is a good way to begin this process. Our first step is to stop struggling with LIFE and start accepting LIFE for what it is. It is from this place of acceptance that we can start to find our place in LIFE and we can begin the journey of creating our LIFE.
The year is 2012 and there is much talk about raising our Consciousness to the next level. I am always questioning what this actually means. It sounds nice and it sounds like we know what we are talking about, but do we? When we try to explain the idea of raising our Consciousness we hear about other dimensions, about bringing our Consciousness into the "Light" and about becoming "Enlightened".
2012 is going to be a year that alters our Consciousness to be sure. Raising our Consciousness may not be accurate, I prefer to describe it as Broadening our Consciousness. In raising our Consciousness signifies that we are coming from a inferior Consciousness to a superior Consciousness and I do not think this is true. In order to rate different forms of Consciousness as inferior or superior we need to have a more complete understanding of all the different forms of Consciousness.
Our Physical Universe has a Consciousness or Awareness that is constantly expanding. The countless Galaxies have a Consciousness, the solar-systems have a Consciousness, the planets and stars have a Consciousness (including Mother Earth), Humans, Animals, Plants and even the Minerals have a form of Consciousness. There are many times many FORMS of Consciousness.
When we start to broaden our Awareness we start to see our self as an intricate part of LIFE, not separate from it. LIFE is not dangerous, it is an adventure. LIFE needs to be respected and will not be controlled. When we fully understand LIFE and our part within LIFE we can truly be at PEACE and we start to understand that we are never truly alone.
What I mean by respecting LIFE is that we need to learn our part to play. It does not mean that we are subservient to it but a intricate part of LIFE and we need to learn our part. It is our ignorance and arrogance that we think we can control LIFE and we are superior to the Animals, Plants, Air and Water that gets us into trouble. The WHOLENESS OF LIFE has a accumulated Consciousness associated with it that I refer to as the CREATOR. Each minute part of LIFE also has a form of Consciousness - the Air, Water, Animals, Plants and even the Crystals & Stones.
This book 'Radical Acceptance' is a good way to begin this process. Our first step is to stop struggling with LIFE and start accepting LIFE for what it is. It is from this place of acceptance that we can start to find our place in LIFE and we can begin the journey of creating our LIFE.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The book talks about how the majority of our SUFFERING is due to our inability to ACCEPT our situation. We deny, we become angry, we feel the lose, and finally we accept.
Acceptance does not mean that we like the situation or agree with it or even to think the situation in okay. However, once we have managed to accept something for what it is, we can now more effectively deal with the situation.
Tara Brach does a lot better job of this than I do here. It really is worth reading a number of times as there is lots to digest and to ponder about. It is well written and not difficult to read.
View all my reviews
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Life Values
Our Life-Values are important in defining who we are! When we have a full understanding of our Life-Values we have more DIRECTION in our Life and less CONFUSION. It is also our Life-Values that help in setting our Personal Boundaries.
When we do not have a good grasp on our Life-Values we are more adrift in our Life and in more confusion. We have much more of a challenge setting our Personal Boundaries. When we are unsure of our Life-Values we look outside of our self for direction in our Life. It is difficult to find our TRUE Life-Values when we have LOW SELF-ESTEEM OR SELF-CONFIDENCE. It is a challenge and is very much like the 'chicken and egg' thing; which comes first the Life-Values or the Self-Worth? They work together, as we define our Life-Values our Self-Worth improves and as our Self-Worth improves we are able to refine our Life-Values.
When we have a full grasp of our Life-Values we KNOW how we want to live our Life. We no longer need outside confirmation of our Life-Values. We also realize that our Life-Values are OURS and others may or may not have the same Values. I do not need others to have MY VALUES and I do not have to ACCEPT another person's Value. I can RESPECT another person's Value without accepting as my own. I can accept the INDIVIDUALITY of others and still HONOR my Values. This comes with more SELF-CONFIDENCE AND A HIGHER SELF-ESTEEM.
It amazes me how this is not more COMMONLY KNOWN and the importance of developing our Personal Life-Values. These Values like our Beliefs are not able to be IMPOSED on us to have any real worth. The individual needs to find their own Values and Beliefs before either has any worth in our Life.
When we do not have a good grasp on our Life-Values we are more adrift in our Life and in more confusion. We have much more of a challenge setting our Personal Boundaries. When we are unsure of our Life-Values we look outside of our self for direction in our Life. It is difficult to find our TRUE Life-Values when we have LOW SELF-ESTEEM OR SELF-CONFIDENCE. It is a challenge and is very much like the 'chicken and egg' thing; which comes first the Life-Values or the Self-Worth? They work together, as we define our Life-Values our Self-Worth improves and as our Self-Worth improves we are able to refine our Life-Values.
When we have a full grasp of our Life-Values we KNOW how we want to live our Life. We no longer need outside confirmation of our Life-Values. We also realize that our Life-Values are OURS and others may or may not have the same Values. I do not need others to have MY VALUES and I do not have to ACCEPT another person's Value. I can RESPECT another person's Value without accepting as my own. I can accept the INDIVIDUALITY of others and still HONOR my Values. This comes with more SELF-CONFIDENCE AND A HIGHER SELF-ESTEEM.
It amazes me how this is not more COMMONLY KNOWN and the importance of developing our Personal Life-Values. These Values like our Beliefs are not able to be IMPOSED on us to have any real worth. The individual needs to find their own Values and Beliefs before either has any worth in our Life.
Monday, September 19, 2011
In the last post ‘Heal Thyself’ I mentioned that our Mind has lost Belief in our Body. This post looks at our ‘Belief System’, what it is and how it affects our Life.
The Encarta Dictionary has 5 different definitions for ‘Belief’:
1. Acceptance of truth of something.
2. Trust.
3. Something that somebody believes in
4. Opinion
5. Religious faith
The closest one that I am referring to is the first point;
“Acceptance of truth of something – acceptance by the mind that something is true or real, often underpinned by an emotional or spiritual sense of certainty.” The emphasis is mine.
The key point here is the MIND. Our Mind has a FREE-WILL and we are free to act as we choose, we are not limited by INSTINCT. When we choose to BELIEVE in something or NOT we are exercising our MIND’S FREE-WILL. We can BELIEF or DISBELIEF both are the results of our FREE-WILL and are BELIEFS (DISBELIEF just describes one’s BELIEF). We can decide not to choose, we call this an ‘OPEN-MIND’.
We seldom question our more fundamental BELIEFS as we see them more as TRUTHS than beliefs. We would not BELIEVE in something if we did not think it was TRUE. There are no good or bad BELIEFS; there are only EMPOWERING BELIEFS and LIMITING BELIEFS. We need to view our BELIEFS in how they EMPOWER us or how they LIMIT us. The issue of a BELIEF being a TRUTH is the illusion that keeps us to that BELIEF.
There are two discussions I had with different perception of BELIEFS that I believe will demonstrate the deep level of BELIEF that I am referring to.
1. I was having a discussion with a group that was pressing that their sense of ‘Knowing’ was more fundamental than their ‘Belief’. The ‘Knowing’ that they were referring to was their ‘Intuition’ was much more important and helpful than their ‘Belief’. My point was the need to BELIEVE in their ‘Intuition or Knowing’ in order for their ‘Knowing’ to be of any value. If one DISBELIEVED in their ‘Intuition’ then one would not pay any attention to their ‘Knowing’ and it would have no value.
2. I was in a workshop with about 20 others, I forget how it came up, and one person commented to me that “...facts always trump belief”. The point is once again missed; one needs to BELIEVE in one’s facts in order for the facts to have any relevance.
We often see our BELIEF as something wishy-washy, silly, superstitious, and wishful or some other not real state. The level of BELIEF that I am referring to is what everything else is built on.
It is through our BELIEFS that we experience our lives and our environment. It is our BELIEF SYSTEM that forms our Judgments, our Desires and even our sense of Right & Wrong. Our BELIEF about our self will be the foundation of our success or failure and how we see our self is what we will experience.
Empowering & Limiting Beliefs;
When we want to change a part of our LIVES, we need to look towards our BELIEFS. When we are reviewing our BELIEFS we need to ask – “Does the BELIEF empower me or limit me?”. When we want to make changes in our LIVES, we need to have EMPOWERING BELIEFS. When we have LIMITING BELIEFS we need to find a way to make it into an EMPOWERING BELIEF. LIMITING BELIEFS create a challenge for us to overcome so that we can move past them.
Examining this deep level of our BEING must be taken with caution; it can be unsettling for anyone not ready to explore this level of their BEING. When we start to question our deep BELIEFS in our self and about our Life can trigger what is referred to as “Dark Night of the Soul”.
It can be shocking when we start to question BELIEFS that we have built our LIVES ON, be cautious and approach these BELIEFS we have slowly, patience is a virtue. When we are review our BELIEFS it is necessary to view the BELIEF in a positive manner and not in a right or wrong judgment. We can be thankful to Limiting Beliefs as they have got us to the present point.
The Encarta Dictionary has 5 different definitions for ‘Belief’:
1. Acceptance of truth of something.
2. Trust.
3. Something that somebody believes in
4. Opinion
5. Religious faith
The closest one that I am referring to is the first point;
“Acceptance of truth of something – acceptance by the mind that something is true or real, often underpinned by an emotional or spiritual sense of certainty.” The emphasis is mine.
The key point here is the MIND. Our Mind has a FREE-WILL and we are free to act as we choose, we are not limited by INSTINCT. When we choose to BELIEVE in something or NOT we are exercising our MIND’S FREE-WILL. We can BELIEF or DISBELIEF both are the results of our FREE-WILL and are BELIEFS (DISBELIEF just describes one’s BELIEF). We can decide not to choose, we call this an ‘OPEN-MIND’.
We seldom question our more fundamental BELIEFS as we see them more as TRUTHS than beliefs. We would not BELIEVE in something if we did not think it was TRUE. There are no good or bad BELIEFS; there are only EMPOWERING BELIEFS and LIMITING BELIEFS. We need to view our BELIEFS in how they EMPOWER us or how they LIMIT us. The issue of a BELIEF being a TRUTH is the illusion that keeps us to that BELIEF.
There are two discussions I had with different perception of BELIEFS that I believe will demonstrate the deep level of BELIEF that I am referring to.
1. I was having a discussion with a group that was pressing that their sense of ‘Knowing’ was more fundamental than their ‘Belief’. The ‘Knowing’ that they were referring to was their ‘Intuition’ was much more important and helpful than their ‘Belief’. My point was the need to BELIEVE in their ‘Intuition or Knowing’ in order for their ‘Knowing’ to be of any value. If one DISBELIEVED in their ‘Intuition’ then one would not pay any attention to their ‘Knowing’ and it would have no value.
2. I was in a workshop with about 20 others, I forget how it came up, and one person commented to me that “...facts always trump belief”. The point is once again missed; one needs to BELIEVE in one’s facts in order for the facts to have any relevance.
We often see our BELIEF as something wishy-washy, silly, superstitious, and wishful or some other not real state. The level of BELIEF that I am referring to is what everything else is built on.
It is through our BELIEFS that we experience our lives and our environment. It is our BELIEF SYSTEM that forms our Judgments, our Desires and even our sense of Right & Wrong. Our BELIEF about our self will be the foundation of our success or failure and how we see our self is what we will experience.
Empowering & Limiting Beliefs;
When we want to change a part of our LIVES, we need to look towards our BELIEFS. When we are reviewing our BELIEFS we need to ask – “Does the BELIEF empower me or limit me?”. When we want to make changes in our LIVES, we need to have EMPOWERING BELIEFS. When we have LIMITING BELIEFS we need to find a way to make it into an EMPOWERING BELIEF. LIMITING BELIEFS create a challenge for us to overcome so that we can move past them.
Examining this deep level of our BEING must be taken with caution; it can be unsettling for anyone not ready to explore this level of their BEING. When we start to question our deep BELIEFS in our self and about our Life can trigger what is referred to as “Dark Night of the Soul”.
It can be shocking when we start to question BELIEFS that we have built our LIVES ON, be cautious and approach these BELIEFS we have slowly, patience is a virtue. When we are review our BELIEFS it is necessary to view the BELIEF in a positive manner and not in a right or wrong judgment. We can be thankful to Limiting Beliefs as they have got us to the present point.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Heal Thyself
It is our Physical Body
that is the TRUE HEALER. To demonstrate what I mean I use the example of a
broken bone. When we have a broken bone we go to the doctor and he ‘sets the
bone’ and then ‘immobilizes the limb’ so that the BODY CAN HEAL THE BONE. The
doctor is only able to assist the BODY in the actual healing. It is the BODY
that does the actual HEALING not the doctor. This example with a broken bone
is an obvious healing by the Body and is difficult to argue with even by the
doctors. All of our Physical Healing works this same way and our BODY has
everything it needs to HEAL ITSELF, if we allow it to. We allow the BODY to
is our MIND that gives the BODY the permission to HEAL!
the NON-PHYSICAL MIND are parts that need to act as a WHOLE. When these two act
in unison MIRACULOUS healings can occur. The MIND being the CONSCIOUS part of
this union needs to keep a BALANCE and know when the BODY needs OUTSIDE
ASSISTANCE, such as ‘setting the bone’ and when it does not. In keeping this
BALANCE the MIND needs to stay aware that it is the BODY that actually HEALS
In our modern society
our MIND no longer BELIEVES in our BODY. We run off to the nearest doctor or
healer every time we have a minor physical challenge. The more we look outside
of our self to heal our issues, the less we actually heal.
I am in my early 60s
and I grew up in the 1950s and 60s. As a child I seldom remember going to the
doctors and never to emergency. I remember once, I think I was in grade 3, one
morning I wasn’t feeling well and wanted to stay home from school. I was always
trying to get out of going to school. Mom sent me off to school anyway. When I
got home and that evening I was feeling worse, so they called the doctor. The
doctor came, yes they did house calls back then, and declared I had ‘double-pneumonia’
and ordered to bed. I got to stay home for a few days from school. The point
being is that today this would have been an ‘emergency’ setting and all kinds
of fuss would be made. Today we go to the doctor for everything possible and
the doctors are so busy that they cannot make ‘house-calls’ anymore. We have
put ALL OUR BELIEF in the medical system, and not in our PHYSICAL BODY.
Today our MIND has lost
its BELIEF in our BODY and all of our BELIEF is with the outside assistance in our
PHYSICAL HEALING. This shift in our BELIEF has weakened the BODY in its ability
to HEAL. The BODY itself become dependent on the OUTSIDE INFLUENCES.
Anything lost can be found.
We can shift our BELIEF back to the BODY, while keeping the proper importance of
the OUTSIDE ASSISTANCE when required. It is this BALANCE that is key, it is not
a question of one or the other, we need
Monday, September 12, 2011
In order to understand where I am coming from when
blogging on this site and the Healing services I offer we need to understand
‘Who We Are’. I have added a new dedicated Page to this site titled ‘LIFE’ and
I recommend individuals to read this so that the topics here are put into their
proper perspective.
It is important to know what I mean when I talk
about our Body, Soul, and Spirit. I am sure that my definition of these aspects
of our self is somewhat different than the standard understanding. What I mean
about the 3 Realms is also important to understand – Spirit Realm, Physical
Realm, and Energy Realm.
Please take the time to read LIFE.
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