Our Consciousness is so narrowly focused on ourselves that it is difficult for us to comprehend LIFE.
LIFE is much more than just Human Beings and our collective ignorance
and arrogance tries to make LIFE better and safer without fully grasping
what LIFE is. Ignorance and arrogance are both dangerous states but together they can be deadly. It is these two states that bring out our Greed, Fear and our desire for Power. It is in this state of our narrowly focused Consciousness that we have polluted our environment, destroyed our forests and even murder each other. LIFE is not dangerous to us, we are a danger to ourselves.
In some spiritual paths we search for Love, Abundance and a state of
Bliss. We look for an escape of what is right in front of us. Some say
that LOVE is the ultimate state or power, I say LIFE is the ultimate
power and is eternal. LOVE, FEAR, BLISS, AGONY and everything in between
is only possible because of LIFE.
The year is 2012 and there is much talk about raising our Consciousness to the next level. I am always questioning what this actually means. It sounds nice and it sounds like we know what we are talking about, but do we? When we try to explain the idea of raising our Consciousness we hear about other dimensions, about bringing our Consciousness into the "Light" and about becoming "Enlightened".
2012 is going to be a year that alters our Consciousness to be sure. Raising our Consciousness may not be accurate, I prefer to describe it as Broadening our Consciousness. In raising our Consciousness signifies that we are coming from a inferior Consciousness to a superior Consciousness and I do not think this is true. In order to rate different forms of Consciousness as inferior or superior we need to have a more complete understanding of all the different forms of Consciousness.
Our Physical Universe has a Consciousness or Awareness that is constantly expanding. The countless Galaxies have a Consciousness, the solar-systems have a Consciousness, the planets and stars have a Consciousness (including Mother Earth), Humans, Animals, Plants and even the Minerals have a form of Consciousness. There are many times many FORMS of Consciousness.
When we start to broaden our Awareness we start to see our self as an intricate part of LIFE, not separate from it. LIFE is not dangerous, it is an adventure. LIFE needs to be respected and will not be controlled. When we fully understand LIFE and our part within LIFE we can truly be at PEACE and we start to understand that we are never truly alone.
What I mean by respecting LIFE is that we need to learn our part to play. It does not mean that we are subservient to it but a intricate part of LIFE and we need to learn our part. It is our ignorance and arrogance that we think we can control LIFE and we are superior to the Animals, Plants, Air and Water that gets us into trouble. The WHOLENESS OF LIFE has a accumulated Consciousness associated with it that I refer to as the CREATOR. Each minute part of LIFE also has a form of Consciousness - the Air, Water, Animals, Plants and even the Crystals & Stones.
This book 'Radical Acceptance' is a good way to begin this process. Our first step is to stop struggling with LIFE and start accepting LIFE for what it is. It is from this place of acceptance that we can start to find our place in LIFE and we can begin the journey of creating our LIFE.
Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life With the Heart of a Buddha by Tara BrachThe year is 2012 and there is much talk about raising our Consciousness to the next level. I am always questioning what this actually means. It sounds nice and it sounds like we know what we are talking about, but do we? When we try to explain the idea of raising our Consciousness we hear about other dimensions, about bringing our Consciousness into the "Light" and about becoming "Enlightened".
2012 is going to be a year that alters our Consciousness to be sure. Raising our Consciousness may not be accurate, I prefer to describe it as Broadening our Consciousness. In raising our Consciousness signifies that we are coming from a inferior Consciousness to a superior Consciousness and I do not think this is true. In order to rate different forms of Consciousness as inferior or superior we need to have a more complete understanding of all the different forms of Consciousness.
Our Physical Universe has a Consciousness or Awareness that is constantly expanding. The countless Galaxies have a Consciousness, the solar-systems have a Consciousness, the planets and stars have a Consciousness (including Mother Earth), Humans, Animals, Plants and even the Minerals have a form of Consciousness. There are many times many FORMS of Consciousness.
When we start to broaden our Awareness we start to see our self as an intricate part of LIFE, not separate from it. LIFE is not dangerous, it is an adventure. LIFE needs to be respected and will not be controlled. When we fully understand LIFE and our part within LIFE we can truly be at PEACE and we start to understand that we are never truly alone.
What I mean by respecting LIFE is that we need to learn our part to play. It does not mean that we are subservient to it but a intricate part of LIFE and we need to learn our part. It is our ignorance and arrogance that we think we can control LIFE and we are superior to the Animals, Plants, Air and Water that gets us into trouble. The WHOLENESS OF LIFE has a accumulated Consciousness associated with it that I refer to as the CREATOR. Each minute part of LIFE also has a form of Consciousness - the Air, Water, Animals, Plants and even the Crystals & Stones.
This book 'Radical Acceptance' is a good way to begin this process. Our first step is to stop struggling with LIFE and start accepting LIFE for what it is. It is from this place of acceptance that we can start to find our place in LIFE and we can begin the journey of creating our LIFE.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The book talks about how the majority of our SUFFERING is due to our inability to ACCEPT our situation. We deny, we become angry, we feel the lose, and finally we accept.
Acceptance does not mean that we like the situation or agree with it or even to think the situation in okay. However, once we have managed to accept something for what it is, we can now more effectively deal with the situation.
Tara Brach does a lot better job of this than I do here. It really is worth reading a number of times as there is lots to digest and to ponder about. It is well written and not difficult to read.
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