Belief - moving beyond our limitations;
A two day workshop in examining our 'Beliefs' and how we experience LIFE through our Beliefs. We seldom examine our Beliefs because we see them as "TRUTHS" - we would not believe in something if we did not see it as TRUE. When we have learned how our 'Beliefs' form our lives we learn how our 'Beliefs' limits our lives OR how our 'Beliefs' empowers our lives.
When we are experiencing challenges in our lives we may need to examine our Beliefs. Are our Beliefs creating obstacles in our lives?
The two day workshop looks at defining our 'Beliefs' as "Limiting Belief" or a "Empowering Belief" and to examine how we can change a "Limiting Belief" into a "Empowering Belief".
Usui Reiki:
Usui Reiki consists of 3 levels or degrees - 1st Degree is the Student level; 2nd Degree is the Practitioner level; 3rd Degree is the Teacher level (Master level).
1st Degree - consists of 4 full day workshops spread over 2 weekends. The week between consists of exercises for the student and to return with some experience and questions for the last 2 days.
2nd Degree - consists of 4 full day workshops spread over 2 weekends. Again there is homework for the student during the week between the 2 and 3 day. I also strongly encourage the student to study Reiki and practice the self-healing for a year before moving to the 2nd Degree.
3rd Degree - consists of 2 full day workshops over a single weekend. I strongly encourage the practitioner to be practicing Reiki with clients for a year before moving to the 3rd Degree. The 3rd Degree workshop is shorter in that after the first 2 degrees the student has already learned most of the Reiki practice, it is centered on teaching and passing attunements.
I do not support the quick and short teachings of the Usui Reiki healing tradition that has become the norm over the last few years. I do not feel the single weekend and in some cases a single day's class is enough for the student or for the tradition. Such disrespectful practice shortchanges the Student and weakens the Tradition.
Dream Circle:
I do not believe that others can interpret our Dreams for us, however, when we discuss our Dreams with others we may have a fuller understanding of what our Dreams MAY MEAN. I follow Jeremy Taylor's book "Where People Fly and Water Runs Uphill". He promotes the Peer-to-Peer environment to discuss our Dreams.
Taylor's book talks about how our Dreams are our connection with our Unconscious and a Wisdom that we have deep inside us. He encourages forming 'Dream Groups' and discussing our Dreams with others in a safe and supportive environment. Discussing our Dreams with others and in a safe environment does a number of things that help us tap into this deeper Wisdom that is in side us all.
1. When we discuss our Dreams with a group we expand our thought process as to what the Dream MIGHT MEAN. Where we can often reach that "AHA" realization when we have reached a understanding of the Dream.
2. When we meet regularly to discuss our Dreams gives us more of a reason for REMEMBERING our Dreams. We often forget our Dreams shortly after awakening, often this is because we have little reason to remember them. If we are going to a meeting to discuss the Dream we have a reason to remember.
Myself I have done a number of 'Spirit Journeys' where we consciously travel to the Spirit Realm. Our Dreams are our UNCONSCIOUS visits to the same Spirit Realm. Every night our Soul (consciousness) travels to this Spirit Realm and every morning our Soul returns to this Physical Realm - both are REAL and need our understanding.
The Spirit Realm is where we go every night when we Dream. It is in the Spirit Realm where we find our own Spirit or our Higher-self. We can also connect with our Spirit Guides that we all have through our Dreams.
Healing Circle:
Healing Circles is where we can meet within a safe and secure space with others and discuss our issues and concerns in a supportive and confidential environment.
We are all on our Healing Path, it is our own personal Path, but we do not need to be alone. Healing Circles are where we can find support and give support in a safe and secure environment.
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