
Crystal Spirit Medicine works with the Mineral Kingdom. The Crystals & Stones are the Mineral Kingdom and have an energy as well as a spirit that can guide us on our Healing Journey. In order to have a fuller understanding of the Mineral Kingdom it is advised to read the pages on LIFE and the Mineral Kingdom. It is also recommended that one reads the Acknowledgement page.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Healing Process

I often use this term and I think I need to explain what I mean by the Healing Process. This term is not easy to fully explain as it is different for each individual. CSM has a motto – “Healing is always a process of becoming whole.” This says it all but to explain the motto and what I mean by the Healing Process we need to understand what is meant by ‘Healing’ and what is meant by ‘becoming whole’.


This seems to be very obvious but it is not. We often interpret Healing to mean ‘to cure’ a health issue we are having. A Healing may produce a ‘cure’ and often does but this is not true in all Healings. A ‘Cure’ deals directly with the physical symptoms of a health issue, A ‘Healing’ deals more with the ‘suffering’ associated with the health issue. When we can reduce or relieve the suffering associated with a health issue the physical symptoms are also reduced or relieved (cure). 

It is this relationship between ‘Healing’ and ‘Curing’ that leads to many misunderstandings. As a Healer I focus on the issue of ‘suffering’ of the client more than the physical symptoms, this is why I also encourage the client to continue with any medical treatment they are following. It is not one or the other. Energy Healing does not interfere with any other treatment.

An example of what I mean by the difference between Healing and Curing is a friend that developed a case of ‘Brain Cancer’. She had the Cancer growth removed and went through a year of chemo and radiation treatments. She also had regular Reiki treatments. She said that the Reiki treatment gave her more energy and was able to keep her appetite. She felt that the Reiki greatly relieved the suffering of the chemo and radiation treatments. She has been free of any Cancer now for over 5 years.

Becoming Whole:

This sounds nice but what does it really mean? We are more than just these isolated physical beings. What ‘more’ do I mean? On my web page ‘MineralKingdom’ I talk about our Level of Consciousness that is 90% physical awareness and 10% spiritual awareness. This 10% spiritual awareness does not sound like much but it makes a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE. I will explain more about this WORLD OF DIFFERENCE in my next post titled – Human Consciousness. It is this 10% that makes us more complete or WHOLE.


How the individual deals with the awakening of their spiritual consciousness (10%) is unique to the individual. One may constantly repeat their challenging situation until one is able to understand them at a deeper level. How we come to the understanding that our physical body and our physical life is directly connected to our BELIEFS and our STATE OF MIND. These two (Beliefs & State of Mind) will also be separate blog posts as they are large enough topics on their own.

This process of becoming spiritual awoken is referred to as our ‘Spiritual Path’ that we are on. We are all on a spiritual path even if we are not aware of it or even if we disbelief in such things. We all have need for support and guidance on our spiritual path; we are not alone on our path. We even have spiritual guides in the form of Angels, Totems and other spiritual helpers. It is becoming aware of these guides that is the challenge we face.

The HEALING PROCESS is the process that we need to experience in order to become physical beings that are SPIRITUAL AWARE.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Usui Reiki

Usui Reiki has been extremely commercialized over the last few years. It is now to the point where one can receive their ‘attunements’ over the internet for a few dollars. One can also receive all three levels of Reiki in one weekend of workshops. Some Reiki associations have created 4 levels out of the original 3 in order to create more money.

This commercialization of Usui Reiki does not dilute the healing power of Usui Reiki, just the practitioners that are inappropriately trained. I spent 5 years studying and practicing Reiki before I received my 3rd level Degree (master/teacher). I spent 3 years with my 1st level Degree (self-healing/student) before I was comfortable to obtain the 2nd level Degree (practitioner). The self-healing was the most challenging and I managed to heal my long suffering migraine headaches. I had suffered from migraines for 30 years (2 or 3 attacks per year). I have not had any since 2002 when I received my 1st Degree. It was after 2 years of practicing with the 2nd Degree before I felt I was ready for the final 3rd Degree.

In the commercialization of Reiki, Reiki has often been portrait as a quick and miraculous healing modality. Reiki has always followed the HEALING PROCESS and has never been a quick-fix type of healing. Ms Hawayo K. Takata was the master that brought Reiki to North America in the 1940s. When Ms. Takata first learned of Reiki in Japan she received 2 Reiki sessions every day for over 30 days in order to heal her health issues. Reiki follows a process that all healing requires. Each Reiki session works on the last session and this builds over time. Ideally it would be nice to follow Takata’s experience of 2 sessions every day for a month. In today’s environment this would be both costly and time consuming. I have found having a session with no more than 2 days between sessions over 2 or 3 weeks produces substantial results. This is what I recommend to my clients, and I do not do single or a quick-fix type of service. In my opinion such quick-fix service is a waste of my time and the client’s money.

There has also been considerable discussion on the ‘attunements’ and ‘healing symbols’ used in Reiki. The ‘attunements’ and ‘symbols’ have always been a little on the mysterious side and somewhat secret within the Reiki group. In the last few years these traits of Reiki have been misunderstood. I find both to be of value and I will explain why.


There is nothing mysterious about these attunements; they do not connect the individual to any special source of Chi. There are other forms of ‘Energy Healers’ and Reiki is just a form of Energy Healing. All Energy Workers channel the Chi from this same source. All Energy has a vibration frequency and physical items have a lower frequency than non-physical items. As we are physical beings our Energy (Chi) is at a lower frequency than the Energy of the Source. The Reiki attunement raises the Energy frequency of the individual in order for the individual to more effectively connect and channel this source. An experienced Energy Worker is able to connect and channel this source as effectively as I can with the attunements; it is the experience that produces this ability. The student of Reiki with the attunement will also be as effective at channeling this source as the experienced Energy Worker.

The other component to the attunements is the Healing Symbols. The attunement also installs the Healing Symbols into the Energy Body of the student. I will explain more about the Symbols shortly, but for the Symbols to be effective they must be imbedded in the Energy Body of the Reiki practitioner. I have been requested by Reiki practitioners to re-attune them as they sense their Reiki is not working properly. This is usually when a student has only received a single attunement from their teacher and the connection to the symbols has eroded. It is a popular belief that a single attunement is adequate, I do not. I give 4 attunements over 4 days. In this way the Symbols are more deeply embedded in the Energy Body. I often give single attunements to individuals that may be attending a Reiki Share with no Reiki experience. This single attunement will allow the individual to practice Reiki in a temporary situation such as a Reiki Share, but it will wear off over time. Ms. Takata also received 4 attunements when she was attuned to Reiki and she gave multiple attunements to her students. I do not know where the idea of a single attunement being adequate originated from, it sounds like another example of the impatience of our modern times.

Healing Symbols:

The Healing Symbols are not as mysterious as they are made out to be, they are very simple. The Symbols are first taught in the 2nd Level and consists of 3 Symbols. One Symbol works primarily on the Mental Body, another works primarily on the Emotional Body. The 3rd Symbol assists the practitioner with ‘Distance Healing’. I find these Symbols to be very powerful and effective. There is no prescribed method for using these Symbols and I use them in a very intuitive manner. They are strange in one way, I find when I am teaching them or discussing them I have to really focus on the right pronunciations and how they are correctly drawn. However, when I am working with a client a specific Symbol will appear to me with the correct pronunciation and correctly drawn. When this happens the symbol is very strong in my AWARENESS and I can actually hear the pronunciation and the symbol draws itself. It is this Symbol that I will use with the client. The Distance Healing Symbol is used in conjunction with the other 2.

In the 3rd Level there is one other healing symbol taught and it is the Master Healing symbol. This symbol works with all the Energy Bodies and is a very powerful healing tool. Many that have learned this Master Symbol will use it all of the time and they tend to forget the other two. This I find to be a lazy way of healing, I do admit of falling into this practice at times. Most of the time I will start a Reiki session with this Master symbol and then part way through the session either the Mental or Emotional symbol will come to me and I will switch to that symbol for the majority of the session. The last few minutes of the session I will switch back to the Master symbol to conclude the session.

There is one other symbol taught in the 3rd level and it is like the Distance Healing symbol, this symbol is not really used in healings. It is used to cut Energy Cords. Normally it is used at the end of an attunement to disconnect the energy of the teacher and the student. It is also used for ‘grounding’ purposes.

Many Reiki master have developed their own versions of these symbols or will add their own to these. If these work for them it is great, I find the traditional symbols enough for me to work with.

The commercialization of Reiki is very sad. I do not belong to any of the associations as I do not fully support any of their positions. The Canadian Reiki Association created the 4th Level that is not necessary and only serves the ability to charge more money. The Reiki Alliance I would have more support of, except they do not permit the use of Crystals or other tools to be used, which I do. I also have a problem with any association as it adds a layer of bureaucracy to the Healing Process. I am not a lover of bureaucracy.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Spirituality & Religion

We often see these two as the same but there is a difference. Many will see this difference as slight and may say it is ‘splitting-hairs’ so to speak. To me there is a world of difference as I see myself as a Spiritual person but not a Religious person and this is an important distinction. Religion CAN BE A SPIRITUAL PATH that an individual may chose to follow; it is a PERSONAL choice that I respect. 


In the movie “Down the rabbit hole”, the sequel to “What the bleep do we know?”, at the end they arrived at a definition to ‘Science’ and ‘Spirituality’. Science is the study of this physical environment; Spirituality is the study of thoughts. This is a very simple statement but the study of thoughts is much more complicated and deeper than one may at first think. Our thoughts are directly connected to our emotions, feelings, beliefs and our free-will and to study our thoughts is also to study these. It is these that connect us to the Spirit world and our relationship to it.

Spirituality goes beyond our thoughts and includes how we are connected to our physical world. We are an intricate part of the physical environment and not as separate from it as we often physically feel. How we relate to our PHYSICAL BODY is critical. Our PHYSICAL BODY is not just a vessel for our Spirit or Soul it is also the EXPRESSION of our Spirit or Soul. Our BODY responds to our thoughts, emotions, feelings, beliefs and our free-will.

Spirituality is MORE than religion. Everyone and everything in our Physical environment has a Spiritual component to it. This concept comes from the idea that this Physical World is manifested from the Spirit World. It is how the Spirit World is EXPRESSED. A Spiritual person is someone that is aware of this connection and is working to broaden their consciousness to incorporate this Spiritual source. As far as a deity of some form, I recognize the CREATOR OR GREAT SPIRIT. The CREATOR represents the WHOLENESS of the Spirit World and is neither masculine nor feminine but both and everything else. The CREATOR just creates and does not judge what is created. One can connect directly with the CREATOR to assist one in creating one’s Life. This is not as simple as it sounds. 


Religion is much more focused on the Human Spirit or Soul. This focus is the SPIRITUAL component to Religion. Most Religions are formed in a manner that focuses the followers’ beliefs into a set of prescribed values. Often these prescribed values become more paramount than the purpose of the values; we call this ‘dogma’. Religion often has a class-order of importance. This order is in the form of priests, monks, yogis, rabies and other names and positions. Followers must work with such individuals to progress on their Spiritual Path. This can be a benefit as the priest can assist the individual, or it can be a determent to the individual. Religion adds a level of bureaucracy to the Spiritual Path.

Religion has a SPIRITUAL component that is secondary to the DOGMA and the BUREAUCRACY. The SPIRITUAL component is beneficial to anyone that finds it helpful, despite the DOGMA and ORDER. Some may find the structure of Religion helpful in their Spiritual pursuits. 

Most Religions also see this Physical world as different and separate from the Spirit world. They entice the followers to follow the dogma in order to have a better ‘after-life’. There is still this SEPARATION between the Physical and Spiritual. 

A SPIRITUALIST sees the CONNECTION between the Physical and Spiritual and it is both that CREATES LIFE, one cannot have LIFE without both.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Understanding CSM

As Crystal Spirit Medicine works with the Mineral Kingdom and the Crystals and Stones are members of the Mineral Kingdom I have written a explanation of the philosophy of Crystal Spirit Medicine.

On the Mineral Kingdom page I explain what I mean by the CONSCIOUSNESS of the Crystals and Stones as well as what I am referring to with the term "AWAKENING" and 'PROGRAMMING'. I recommend reading this page and to leave any comments or questions on the Mineral Kingdom page.

The Crystals & Stones are the true TEACHERS, but this can only be understood with personal experience. Also I often use the term 'Crystal' but it can refer to both Crystals and/or Stones.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Wecome to Crystal Spirit Medicine Web Site

Crystal Spirit Medicine is dedicated to the Healing Arts and believes that we are ALL healers of our own Life. CSM is committed to EMPOWERING the individual in their HEALING PROCESS. It is the INDIVIDUAL that is responsible for their healing and becoming WHOLE. Doctors, Healers, and others can support and guide the INDIVIDUAL in their healing, but it is only the INDIVIDUAL that can truly heal themselves.

As an example of what I mean is when we break a bone. The Doctor will set and immobilize the broken bone, in order to support and guide the body in healing the bone. It is up to the BODY to heal the bone, the Doctor does not and cannot heal the bone.

"Healing is always a process of becoming whole."

Is the slogan that CSM works from and this blog will discuss the meaning and will encourage discussion concerning the 'healing process'. The other pages will define the many services CSM offers in our healing path.

I encourage visitors to leave their comments here, or if they wish a more private communication they are welcome to email me at wholelife.ron@gmail.com.