I work with the teachings of the Medicine Wheel and the 4 Directions - East represents New Beginnings, South represents Learning, West represents Experience, and North represents Completion.
It is with this understanding that I offer 4 sessions for the complete Healing Experience;
- The 1st session is a NEW experience for the individual. The NEWNESS can be enjoyable and we are busy experiencing the NEWNESS.
- The 2nd session moves us beyond the NEWNESS. It is often still enjoyable but we move deeper into the sesion and start to LEARN what the session can actually offer us.
- The 3rd session moves us even deeper into the WORK. We actually start to do the needed work with the session.
- The 4th session and we COMPLETE the work that the session is intended for.
I schedule 4 session for a client. I do not do single sessions as a single session is more of a tease than an actual healing. Healing is always a process, and these 4 sessions are part of the process.
A Session:
Each session is estimated to be 90 minutes long. I do not work by the clock, I work with the session. The session can be shorter or longer depending on how the session is going. I do not see the point in making a session longer than it needs to be, because the clock says so. I also do not believe to cutting a session short because the clock says it is time to end.
Healing needs the time it needs and it is not measured by the clock. Each individual will be different, depending on the path they may be on. The time needed may be short or it may be long, depending on how ready one is to heal.
Inner Healer:
We all have an Inner Healer that does the actual HEALING in our Life. We cut our self and our Body heals the cut on its own. There are times when our Inner Healer needs assistance; as in a broken bone, a doctor is needed to set the bone and to immobilize the bone so that it has the time it needs for the Body to heal it. It is the Inner Healer that heals the broken bone, not the doctor.
Our Inner Healer is able to heal anything in our Life. The individual needs to know their Inner Healer so the individual can get the assistance they need. Part of this knowing of one's Inner Healer is to understand that it responds, to a degree, with our awareness and our 'mind-set'. When one has a mind-set of being a 'victim' it limits our Inner Healer in its ability to heal our Life.
The more one knows their Inner Healer, the more confidence one has in their own ability to heal. The more confidence one has, the stronger we make our Inner Healer, and we will know when we need assistance.
As a Healer I do not heal, I assist the individual's Inner Healer to heal them. Within my Practice I work to build this relationship between the client's awareness and their Inner Healer.
Free Consultation:
I offer Free Consultation for anyone interested in exploring the services I offer. The Consultations are in-person and are for my benefit as much as the client's. I go into more detail of what I can offer and at the same time I can evaluate how much I am able to assist them.
My pricing is a set of 4 sessions - $150, I do not do single sessions.
This price is an introduction price for 2013 and will be evaluated in 2014.
Pricing my services is always a challenge, as I do not like to see Healing as a question of affordability. Healing is a natural part of living, much like breathing and should not be an issue of being able to afford to heal. With this in mind I am willing to negotiate a payment that is agreeable.
Where & When:
I work out of my home. I live in Vancouver just west of 'The Drive'. If one is interested in a Consultation please email me at - wholelife.ron@gmail.com and I will return an email with my address and phone.
My hours are flexible in the afternoons or evenings 7 days a week. I am retired and can usually accommodate your hours.
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