Human Kingdom;
The Human Kingdom is the youngest of the 4 Kingdoms, the new kid on the block. Compared to the other 3 Kingdoms we are still fairly new to this Physical Realm. One of the traits of YOUTH is the BELIEF that we KNOW EVERYTHING.
In our infancy we were much more connected to our environment and our spirituality, we had a connection with the other Kingdoms and our Soul and Spirit. We then found science and religion and these two moved us away from our environment and our Spirit; we developed 'Tunnel-vision' on this Physical world, and the Spirit world was outside of our control and separate from this Physical Life.
Today our AWARENESS is narrowly focused on this Physical Realm and we have a difficult time comprehending the Spirit Realm and the Energy Realm. We often only see the Physical - we often deny our INTUITION, our DREAMS, and our NON-PHYSICAL SENSES.
Our AWARENESS is around 85% - 90% in the Physical and only around 15% - 10% in the Energy/Spirit Realm.
Animal Kingdom;
The Animal Kingdom is the next youngest Kingdom and is very close to us. Some people even consider us a part of the Animal Kingdom. We are not.
The Animal Kingdom is very closely related to us, we can connect and relate to animals - pets and domesticated animals. However, animals are much more connected to the Energy and Spirit Realms than we are.
Recently I saw a report of a Dog that was able to diagnosis a person with early cancer, long before our medical system could. This demonstrates that the Dog was tapping into something that we are not.
Animal AWARENESS is around 70% - 75% in the Physical Realm and 25% - 30% in the Energy/Spirit Realm. More on this can be found in the following books.
Animal Speak - Ted Andrew
Animal Wise - Ted Andrew
Both are informative.
Plant Kingdom;
The Plant Kingdom is the next oldest and has been around for a lot longer then either the Human or Animal Kingdoms. There were millions of years between when the first Plant materialized on Mother Earth and the first Animal materialized. This time gap between the Plant and Animal Kingdoms creates a detachment between the two, and this detachment is even more pronounced with the Human Kingdom.
Although we view Plants as a 'Life-form' we do not usually see Plants as a 'Conscious Life-form'. We are somewhat removed from this 'Life-form'. However, an enthusiastic GARDENER will have a different view on how AWARE Plants are. There is an interesting book that documented some experiments in how AWARE Plants are;
Secret Life of Plants - Peter Tompkins & Christopher Bird
There is a more recent book on the work done with the Spirit of Plants as opposed to the Physical Plant;
Plant Spirit Medicine - Eliot Cowan
Both books are very enlightening on just how ALIVE and AWARE Plants truly are.
Plant AWARENESS is around 55% - 60% in the Physical Realm and 40% - 45% in the Energy/Spirit Realms.
Mineral Kingdom;
The Mineral Kingdom is the ELDER of the 4 Kingdoms and has been here on Mother Earth since the very beginning, millions of years before even the first Plant materialized. This gap distances us from the Mineral Kingdom even more.
We generally do not see the Stones & Crystals as being ALIVE; we see them as just Physical Objects that are NOT CONSCIOUS or with any sign of Life connected to them.
On the LIFE page I talk about how this Physical Realm is where the Spirit is able to EXPRESS ITSELF. The Mineral Kingdom expresses themselves here in the Physical with the many wondrous formations that the members of the Mineral Kingdom creates. However, the AWARENESS (Soul) of the Mineral Kingdom resides more in the Spirit Realm than here in the Physical.
The Mineral Kingdom is almost the mirror image of the Human Kingdom - OUR AWARENESS (Soul) is mostly focused on the Physical Realm and our Physical Body, the Mineral Kingdom's AWARENESS (Soul) is mostly focused on the Spirit Realm and not the Physical.
With the Mineral Kingdom almost the opposite of us, we need to EXPAND our AWARENESS in the Spirit Realm in order to comprehend the consciousness of the Mineral Kingdom.
The EXPANSION of our AWARENESS is the INTENTION of Crystal Spirit Medicine's practice of Crystal Journeys. It takes a little effort and some time for us to connect with the Wisdom of the Mineral Kingdom.
Crystals & Stones:
The members of the Mineral Kingdom consists of two forms - Crystals & Stones and there is a difference with the two.
Crystals are much different than Stones. Crystals actually GROW and GROWTH is a sign of Life, much like Plants grow, Crystals also grow. Crystals are not as dense as Stones, they are a lot lighter and more accessible to us.
Stones are much denser than Crystals. The denser Stones requires more effort on our part to connect with them. Connecting with the Crystals first gives us some experience working with the Mineral Kingdom and this experience makes connecting with the Stones easier.
Some books that have documented the Energy & Spirit of the Mineral Kingdom has to offer; it is important to remember that these books gives us a place to start and are best used as a guide.
Love is in the Earth - Melody
Book of Stones - Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian
The Crystal Bible - Judy Hall
Mineral AWARENESS is different for the two forms;
Crystals are around 20% in the Physical and 80% Energy/Spirit Realm.
Stones are around 10% in the Physical and 90% Energy/Spirit Realms.
Crystal Spirit Medicine works with the Mineral Kingdom and this is how we work with these ELDERS.
Thank you so much for sharing this information. I had the opportunity to commune with life from the plant and mineral kingdoms during a recent journeying experience with shaman Gary Dent. I will share your information with readers of my blog ( and my facebook page (Ligthworkertees). Blessings and light- Brooke
ReplyDeleteGood writing and information here on the 4 kingdoms, thank u:)
ReplyDeleteWonderful info! Thank you very much! Blessings and light, Gi