It is these 5 Senses that play a large part in our Life. It is these senses that create a deeper understanding of LIFE and a base for our LIFE-VALUES. It is compassion and empathy that create a deep level of caring and support in our society. Without these we would have a very sallow society. Some may think we have a sallow society, and it would be from a lack of these two senses. We can be so focused on this Physical realm and our 5 Physical senses that we deny or ignore our compassion and empathy as being too sentimental. It is the caring and support that our compassion gives us that leads to our VALUE OF FAIRNESS. It is often said – “Life is not Fair.” – I disagree. We (Humans) are an intricate part of LIFE and the part we play in LIFE is to bring FAIRNESS to LIFE where we can.
Compassion is our CONNECTION TO THE ONENESS that is the Spirit world. It is our Compassion that connects us to everything else – we care for each other, animals, plants and the planet as a whole. Without Compassion we truly are ALONE AND SEPARATE. When we lose our connection to our Compassion two options occur;
- We become too self-absorbed and our EGO becomes a problem. We can see everything around us as objects for our own benefit or as threats.
- We become so isolated that we can barely function. Everything seems to be a threat and we do not see our self as good enough or capable.
These options are experienced in many levels of degrees. In the 1st option the extreme would be the psychopath and is so disconnected that they are a danger to everything around them. In the 2nd option the extreme would be with the person so consumed with ‘self-doubt’ and the feel of ‘inadequacies’ that they become totally dependent on others or they are unable to function in a social environment.
This sounds like a lot to put onto something as simple as COMPASSION, and it is. However, COMPASSION is more than just ‘feeling sorry for someone’ or ‘to make allowance’ for someone. COMPASSION is our connection to everything and without it we are truly ALONE. When we exercise our COMPASSION we are helping our self as much as we are helping others.
Many may see little difference between Compassion and Empathy. However, there is a difference. Empathy is an issue of setting one’s Spiritual Boundaries. Compassion is our connection to everything; Empathy is our ability to experience what others are experiencing. We take what we see others experiencing and experience it as our own.
Empathy, like everything else in this physical world of duality, has a positive and negative aspect. Being Empathic may be necessary when we are assisting and supporting what someone may be experiencing. However, we need to know the difference between what others are experiencing and what is ours to experience. Without setting our Spiritual Boundaries by being aware of what is ours to experience and what are others, we can have problems.
This setting of our Spiritual Boundaries is important in order to live our Physical Life or we bring much more challenges into our lives than we need to deal with. We need to be AWARE of this need to set our Boundaries and of our Compassion and Empathy in order to live OUR LIFE. If we are not AWARE of the need to set our Spiritual Boundaries we can become a victim of everyone around us.
Energy-sensing needs to be explained. This term ‘energy-sensing’ describes what I mean, some may say that we ‘feel’ the energy but this can be confused with our ‘emotional-feelings’ or one may say that we can ‘touch’ the energy but this can be confused with our Physical sense of ‘touch’. We SENSE this energy within our awareness, when we are conscious of it.
When we walk into a room we can sense the ENERGY in the room. The room may have Hostile Energy that puts us on guard, or a Peaceful Energy that can put us at ease. The ENERGY can be somewhere between these two, the point being is that we can sense the ENERGY. It is said that animals can smell fear; fear has a particular ENERGY that animals can sense, not smell. The animals are much more AWARE of this Energy than we are (80% - 20%).
Our Intuition is often referred to as the ‘sixth-sense’ in relation to our 5 Physical Senses. It is unfortunate that we often discount our Intuition as it is a DEEPER SENSE OF KNOWING. The challenge we have is how we interpret our Intuition. If we deny or ignore our Intuition we can never learn how to work with this SENSE of ours.
Many view our Intuition as our KNOWLEDGE from our higher-self or our Spirit. I believe this to be partially true; however, our Intuition is also a method that our Spirit Guides will use to guide us.
Our Sense of Imagination is truly unique in ALL the Kingdoms. It is a very powerful tool that we have. It is our Imagination that allows us to CREATE. If we want to CREATE a better Life we must first be able to Imagine a better Life.
Like Empathy, Imagination has both a positive and negative aspects to it. With the ability of Imaging a better Life we can also Imagine a worse Life. With the great ability that Imagination gives us, we can also be caught up in the curse of never being satisfied with what we have. This often leads to such things as GREED.
When we are UNAWARE of the true power of our IMAGINATION we can suffer from the negative aspects of our IMAGINATION. When we are AWARE of our IMAGINATION and its abilities we can use this Sense of ours to its potential.
Our Imagination is also another method that our Spirit Guides can use to guide us. When this occurs it is not the fact that we imagine something it is the something that is important (it is WHAT we imagine that is important).
These 5 Non-Physical Senses are as important to our Physical Well-Being as our 5 Physical Senses. When we are CONSCIOUS of just our 5 Physical Senses and remain UNAWARE of our 5 Non-Physical Senses we are experiencing our Life with only half of our BEING.
Remaining UNAWARE of the importance of these 5 Non-Physical Senses can also put us in a vulnerable position when dealing with the negative aspects. We can Imagine a worse Life; we can be overly sensitive to the Energy around us. These can increase our SUFFERING.
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