
Crystal Spirit Medicine works with the Mineral Kingdom. The Crystals & Stones are the Mineral Kingdom and have an energy as well as a spirit that can guide us on our Healing Journey. In order to have a fuller understanding of the Mineral Kingdom it is advised to read the pages on LIFE and the Mineral Kingdom. It is also recommended that one reads the Acknowledgement page.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Heal Thyself

It is our Physical Body that is the TRUE HEALER. To demonstrate what I mean I use the example of a broken bone. When we have a broken bone we go to the doctor and he ‘sets the bone’ and then ‘immobilizes the limb’ so that the BODY CAN HEAL THE BONE. The doctor is only able to assist the BODY in the actual healing. It is the BODY that does the actual HEALING not the doctor. This example with a broken bone is an obvious healing by the Body and is difficult to argue with even by the doctors. All of our Physical Healing works this same way and our BODY has everything it needs to HEAL ITSELF, if we allow it to. We allow the BODY to heal when our MIND BELIEVES IN THE BODY. It is our MIND that gives the BODY the permission to HEAL! 

The PHYSICAL BODY and the NON-PHYSICAL MIND are parts that need to act as a WHOLE. When these two act in unison MIRACULOUS healings can occur. The MIND being the CONSCIOUS part of this union needs to keep a BALANCE and know when the BODY needs OUTSIDE ASSISTANCE, such as ‘setting the bone’ and when it does not. In keeping this BALANCE the MIND needs to stay aware that it is the BODY that actually HEALS ITSELF. 

In our modern society our MIND no longer BELIEVES in our BODY. We run off to the nearest doctor or healer every time we have a minor physical challenge. The more we look outside of our self to heal our issues, the less we actually heal. 

I am in my early 60s and I grew up in the 1950s and 60s. As a child I seldom remember going to the doctors and never to emergency. I remember once, I think I was in grade 3, one morning I wasn’t feeling well and wanted to stay home from school. I was always trying to get out of going to school. Mom sent me off to school anyway. When I got home and that evening I was feeling worse, so they called the doctor. The doctor came, yes they did house calls back then, and declared I had ‘double-pneumonia’ and ordered to bed. I got to stay home for a few days from school. The point being is that today this would have been an ‘emergency’ setting and all kinds of fuss would be made. Today we go to the doctor for everything possible and the doctors are so busy that they cannot make ‘house-calls’ anymore. We have put ALL OUR BELIEF in the medical system, and not in our PHYSICAL BODY. 

Today our MIND has lost its BELIEF in our BODY and all of our BELIEF is with the outside assistance in our PHYSICAL HEALING. This shift in our BELIEF has weakened the BODY in its ability to HEAL. The BODY itself become dependent on the OUTSIDE INFLUENCES. 

Anything lost can be found. We can shift our BELIEF back to the BODY, while keeping the proper importance of the OUTSIDE ASSISTANCE when required. It is this BALANCE that is key, it is not a question of one or the other, we need both.

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